MEAL Officer

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  • Pemba
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Istituto Oikos


International cooperation NGO based in Pemba looks for One (1) MEAL Officer


Brief description of organisation

Istituto Oikos ( founded in Milan in 1996, operates in Europe and in developing countries to promote the responsible management of natural resources and disseminate more sustainable life models as instruments for socio-economic development and the fight against poverty. Vision: a future in which ecology, economy and equity are integrated, reconciling the needs of man and the environment. Mission: Help preserve ecosystems, promoting development with professionalism, innovation, and participation. Istituto Oikos has a PSEA policy that the selected candidate must respect and promote.

Position: MEAL Officer

Salary: C3 according to the Istituto Oikos Salary scale

Duration: 6 months (with possibility of extension)

Location: Pemba (Cabo Delgado)


General objectives:

  • In collaboration with the MEAL Unit at the HQ, he/she looks over the quality of monitoring data collection and analysis activities (check lists, questionnaires, GIS maps…) to measure the progress of the projects’ indicators towards objects and results.
  • He/she contributes to the harmonisation of the MEAL tools and processes of the Oikos programme in Mozambique, under the leadership of the MEAL unit at headquarters.
  • He/she provides support to all project teams on technical questions linked to MEAL and cross-cutting issues such as: quantitative and qualitative data collection, data analysis, data quality control, measure of indicators, complaint response mechanism, do no harm analysis etc.

Specific tasks and responsibilities:

  • Support the M&E Unit at the HQ on developing the monitoring tools (surveys, focus groups, quantitative-qualitative questionnaires, check lists, etc.) of the projects in line with the local contest.
  • Facilitate roles and responsibilities for data collection with field staff dedicate also to M&E activities.
  • Ensure that data are collected in line with reporting deadlines and requirements stated in the M&E Plan of the projects.
  • Support the M&E Unit at the HQ on data analysis, target values setting and measuring the current value for Mozambique projects’ indicators.
  • Responsible to monitor the Data Management and Storage process, with focus on the sources of verifications of the Mozambique projects’ indicators.
  • Responsible to monitor the adoption of the minimum requirements for a quality monitoring process as stated in the Istituto Oikos MEAL procedures
  • Facilitate Beneficiary Participation in M&E
  • Make available monitoring data for the development of narrative reports of specific projects and during the evaluations.
  • Ensure the usage of the monitoring tools that measure Oikos programme – wide performance (KPIs) and be responsible for the data collection of KPIs.
  • Provide inputs (i.e., data analysis) to staff project Meetings to ensure projects stay on track with their achievements and can make corrections/improvements based on the evidence being generated.
  • In collaboration with the PMs, organize regular meetings with the projects’ teams on logical framework structure, analyzed data presentations and results discussions (at least 3 during project cycle: at the beginning, mid-term and at the end of project)
  • Organize specific meetings to discuss the result of the monitoring to identify any change of strategy needed in projects implementation.
  • Prepare kobo questionnaires and any other tool used in projects data collection.
  • Be responsible with M&E Unit at the HQ on MEAL trainings for colleagues on specific methodologies (ex. focus groups, CRiSTAL methods, RANAS approach, participatory mapping, students monitoring, etc.)


  • Reports to the Programme Manager Mozambique HQ
  • Collaborates with all project teams on technical issues related to MEAL by applying the organisation’s procedures.


  • Experience in Humanitarian/Development Project with responsibility on MEAL and activity implementation (at least 1 years)
  • Key competences and skills
  • Knowledge of project cycle management and how M&E fits into this cycle
  • Strong computer skills (Microsoft Office applications, including Excel, PowerPoint)
  • Previous exposure to quantitative and qualitative data collection and analysis using Excel, Mobile Data Collection systems (e.g. ODK collect/Kobo)
  • Capacity building to local teams is paramount for the position.
  • Able to apply participatory approaches to engaging with communities.
  • Good problem-solving and analytical skills
  • Self-motivated, able to take initiative and able to work independently.
  • Demonstrated attention to detail, ability to follow procedures, meet deadlines and work cooperatively.Strong interpersonal and communication skills, facilitates a collaborative environment among colleagues and stakeholders to promote effective coordination.
  • Knowledge of English (written and spoken)


  • Experience with Monitoring activities
  • Previous implementation of accountability activities
  • Postgraduate degree and/or education / training and/or work experience in data management and/or data analysis
  • Previous experience with GIS systems


To apply, interested candidates must send their CV, including the details of 3 people for professional references, and a letter of motivation (maximum 1 page) with authorization to process personal data under the terms of Article 6 of Law 23/2007 (Labor Law), Article 64 of Law 3/2017 (Electronic Transactions Law). 13 and 14 of the G.D.P.R. (General Data Protection Regulation EU Regulation 2016/679 Legislative Decree 196/2003) to the mail, indicating the name of the vacancy in the subject line.


Delivery deadline: September 08, 2023

Only pre-selected people will be contacted who will be subjected to a written test and called for an interview to be held at the headquarters of ISTITUTO OIKOS, Pemba, Av. Marginal 9045 Nanhimbe or Online.


Istituto Oikos reserves the right not to hire or employ a candidate if the recruitment process or background checks reveal that the candidate has been previously notified of a PSEA incident or is unfit to work with beneficiaries. Istituto Oikos will not hire or employ anyone with a previous PSEA conviction or related offense.

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